Volume 31 Nos. 1-3
Front Cover (PDF)

1  On the Denominators of Barnes Double Bernoullian Numbers with Even Indices

     Pages 1-9 
     Richell O. Celeste

2  On Graphs Induced By Non-Empty Subsets

     Pages 10-16 
     Orcene D. Cancino, Ian June L. Garces, Teofina A. Rapanut

3  On the Zeros of the Polynomial Σi=0n (-1)n-i (n i) xi

     Pages 17-24 
     Roberto B. Corcino and Charles Montero

4  Generalized Choral Sequences

     Pages 25-28 
     Joel Reyes Noche

5  Some Convolution-Type Identities and the Combinatorics of A-Tableau

     Pages 29-35 
     Roberto B. Corcino and Maribeth B. Montero


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